Putin serves Christ
The Lord Jesus Christ said to me (David Dellit), "Putin is an important instrument and servant who brings me glory."
God is using Putin to humble America and the West, to bring these formerly Christian nations back to God, and to frustrate Satan's plans. Putin and Russia have defied the beast, and so it is that the beast is rising globally with all its many powerful and wealthy nations and organisations against Putin and Russia to try to destroy them. Putin has a calm and cool head, responding with restraint to the aggressive provocations by the US and the West. If Putin and Russia were like the US and the West, the consequences would be global nuclear war. Putin knows that the US and the West want global nuclear war, but want him to make the first move. However, Putin loves and cares for his Russian people, minimizes the loss of his fighting men and the loss of Russian and Ukrainian civilians, and he knows that most Ukrainians are against war. God says Christ is fighting for and alongside Russia, and Christ is fighting against those who are fighting against Russia.
It is obvious for some time now that America and the West are seeking to harm Putin and Russia, and that God is blessing Putin and Russia.