An Australian prophetess received from the Holy Spirit what
The Valentine Prophecies and II Revelation are
The Valentine Prophecies and II Revelation are
Dear Friends, Come on a SPRINGTIME journey with me… beginning with these Scriptures… and let us enjoy the journey together - through to our ETERNAL ‘SPRING’ – culminating with our Lord in His glorious Heavenly Garden… FOREVER! WOW! Exciting times we are living in! Matthew 11:10 This is the one of whom it is written, Behold, I send My messenger ahead of You, who shall make ready Your way before You. [Mal. 3:1.] (Amp.) Matthew 11:14 And if you are willing to receive and accept it, John himself is Elijah who was to come [before the kingdom]. [Mal. 4:5.] Matthew 11:15 He who has ears to hear, let him be listening and let him consider and perceive and comprehend by hearing. (Amp.) PROPHETS – were essentially defenders of Jehovah - God, and of the Laws of Moses; and … Elijah the Prophet stood next in line to Moses; when calculating the spiritual stature of the Old Testament Prophets.
CALL to REPENTANCE #1… Elijah! Elijah, ‘suddenly’ appeared on this deplorable state of the world, where God’s chosen, BUT VERY rebelliously disobedient, Israelite children, were SO desperately in need of REFORM. He does so, with a FEROCITY and STERN ruggedness, which almost leaps out of the scriptures, in FIERY REBUKES, CHALLENGES and CONTESTS. He essentially STANDS ALONE - screaming “REPENT!” to the Israelite people with unmoving faithfulness, and unflinching fearlessness; like a man with a face of flint. HOW wonderfully, does God suit men, to the work he designs them for; rough and tough spirits are called to rough and tough services! This unbending, unfaltering spirit of sternness, and severity; like a man cracking the ‘whip of God’, was PREDICTED to COME AGAIN – to usher in the Messiah’s entrance into the world. The concluding prophecy of the Old Testament was, “Behold, I will send you Elijah!” Those words prophesied until John, and then, being turned into a history, they ceased to prophecy. ENTER – John the Baptist! John the Baptist – (considered by the people to actually be a prophet) – was our…
CALL to REPENTANCE #2 … John the Baptist! And STILL… they (the Jewish people and the Church of the day) MISSED Him; Jesus Christ; their Saviour and Lord, their Redeemer and King!!! He slipped through their fingers! They were so CARNAL in nature, and full of the sin of UNBELIEF, they just didn’t GET IT!!! John heralded in the ETERNAL MESSAGE of CALVARY, (Jesus Christ, The Messiah - Himself) and the REPENTANCE required; qualifying us for Kingdom citizenship… But they just WOULD NOT LISTEN! Yep – Jesus slipped through their fingers… literally! Jesus! BEFORE His Death, Burial and Resurrection, Jesus promised He would COME (again), and gather them (the Church) to Himself (The Rapture), and take them home for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb; while the world (THOSE LEFT BEHIND) go through the HORRORS of the TRIBULATION period; and then He will RETURN with the Church, to rule and reign with them a thousand years; and then the JUDGEMENT and the Lake of Fire (The Second Coming); followed by ETERNITY in our NEW HOME – a New Heaven and New Earth; with our Lord in His glory and majesty, FOREVER! Hallelujah! That’s shoutin’ time about there! Amen! Fast forward 2000 plus years… and we KNOW ‘they’ (generalized reference to the Jewish people, and the grafted in, Church in general) DON’T WANT to MISS Him, this time round! But – BEFORE all of that can take place, and for US to be GUARANTEED of our seat at the Supper Table; we have been given some PRESENT DAY PARABLES to work out for ourselves! He said for THOSE who have EARS to HEAR…let them HEAR, what the Spirit says!!! Time is SHORT, Hell is SURE; Sin the CAUSE, Christ the CURE! Are you READY? Are you LISTENING to what the voice (the CURE) of the Holy Spirit says? He, (Jesus Christ our Redeemer), came the FIRST time, referencing John the Baptist, and asking… “Why did you NOT BELIEVE him?” (Mark 11: 31) “Was the Baptism of John from Heaven or from men?” BUT – they would NOT answer Him. So, He refused to answer them their questions. He LEFT them to work out the PARABLES for themselves. To His OWN He explains everything; BUT to “all else” …He speaks in parables! (Mark 4:34) Hence His instructions… those who have EARS to HEAR…! IF you will just INCLINE your EAR to Him – He WILL explain ALL to you! Genesis 18:17 says… “Would I NOT tell my friend?” WHY did you NOT LISTEN to him? I sent you a MESSENGER; a ‘prophet’ with a WARNING to REPENT and PREPARE for the COMING of The Christ; BUT you would NOT LISTEN to him. Fast Forward 2000 plus years… and… ENTER – David Dellit, with The Valentine Prophecies and II Revelation. Imagine… TVP being the BOOK VERSION of John the Baptist!
CALL to REPENTANCE #3… David Dellit! DO NOT MISS Him, JESUS - this time round!!! For those LEFT BEHIND – the QUESTION will be… WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY… did you NOT BELIEVE him? WHY did you NOT LISTEN to him? I sent you a MESSENGER; a ‘prophet’ with a WARNING to REPENT and PREPARE for the gathering of the saints (Rapture); the BRIDE of Christ; to be FULLY dressed and READY for the Bridegroom and the WEDDING; and to COME to the Marriage Supper (the Wedding Banquet); but you WOULD NOT LISTEN to him!!! WHY? Your ETERNITY; your DESTINY and your DESTINATION; depend on what you DO with what He SENDS to you; and by WHOM He sends it! Selah! (You may need to pause and think about that for a minute). “…IF you are willing to RECEIVE and ACCEPT it…” (Matthew 11:14) This time God has prepared David Dellit – a prototype of John the Baptist; INFUSED by the SAME Spirit of Elijah; to bring the SAME MESSAGE of REPENTANCE, with the SAME TENACITY - before it is TOO LATE for ENTRANCE TO - the Supper Table! A MAJOR characteristic of the Spirit of Elijah is: - ‘to bring BACK to God – His people!’ This is what Elijah did! This is what John did! This is what David is doing! Preparation of His people, to return to their FIRST LOVE, Jesus! SAME MISSION! Different MEANS! Elijah took the people on a MIRACULOUS journey in his…CALL to REPENTANCE #1. John used the POWERFUL ‘Elijah Spirit’ to immerse in the waters of the Baptism of Repentance, to Salvation, without one recorded MIRACLE; but none-the-less, a POWERFUL ministry and… CALL to REPENTANCE #2.
David is asked to present TWO powerful BOOKS of CORRECTION and INSTRUCTION, in LOVE; to UNITY and ONENESS; through INTIMATE – RELATIONSHIP… CALL to REPENTANCE #3. Same MISSION – Different MEANS! This brings us to TODAY! The day we are NOW living in; and the URGENT WARNING we have been sent, in TVP and II Revelation. Just as Jesus asked of the people 2000 plus years ago… WHY … did you NOT BELIEVE him? WHY … did you NOT LISTEN? WHY … did you NOT work out for yourselves the parable of the TEN VIRGINS! You KNOW that the FIVE WISE virgins were WELCOMED IN to the Marriage Supper. You KNOW that the FIVE FOOLISH virgins were LOCKED OUT! WHY … did you NOT PREPARE YOURSELF for my arrival? … For the WEDDING feast? I believe the Lord will require MUCH (even death) of those who have IGNORED His URGENT WARNINGS! For every person… to whom He has chosen to deliver a copy of these two End-Time manuals; His END-TIMES URGENT REMINDER; His ‘road map’ to REPENTANCE and UNITY and ONENESS, in the BRIDE of Christ; I believe He will require MUCH explanation; as to WHY, He was NOT LISTENED to; ESPECIALLY when He had hand-delivered His URGENT WARNINGS! (The ‘sins of omission’ means - a sinful FAILURE to perform an action). Selah! And it does us good, NOW – to NOTE that - we DO NOT want to come before Him with someone else’s BLOOD on our hands… simply because of the RIPPLE effect; that which we FAILED to create! Selah! (You might need to stop and think about that for a minute). WHO have YOU ROBBED of their ETERNITY? Who will you hear screaming from the pit of hell…? WHY did you NOT LISTEN? WHY did you NOT SHARE? I DIDN’T KNOW! WHY did you NOT TELL ME? We are ONLY ever BLESSED to be a BLESSING! WHEN God sends ‘BLESSINGS’ our way, we NEED to KNOW …to whom those BLESSINGS BELONG – and are purposed to flow on…to! Life is NOT ABOUT YOU! (That may come as a surprise to some)… but God sees ahead; HE sees the BIG picture… and He is NOT remotely interested in our SIN of OFFENCE, or our fickle FEELINGS; or our ‘loving’ LEGALISTIC finger-pointing, of what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. He is ONLY interested in our ‘LIVING’ FAITH; and it’s RIPPLE EFFECT (our works of OBEDIENCE, in LOVE), for His Glory, and the BLESSING of His kids! So – even IF YOUR FAITH FAILS you, and you OBJECT to what you have READ, or heard spoken, or written… TO or ABOUT the books, OR the author; SOMEONE’s ETERNITY rests on your OBEDIENCE to SHARE this INFORMATION, whether you LIKE IT, or NOT! Nothing happens by CHANCE! All is by His perfect design, purposed for His glory, and our individual, and collective, BLESSING. The Valentine Prophecies and II Revelation are NOT meant to be ‘SAT ON’… KEPT… or placed on the BOOK SHELF! And they are certainly NOT meant to be VIOLATED in thought, word, or deed! In fact – the ignoring or condemning of same books has had, and will continue to have, catastrophic consequences…! Selah! They are a ROAD MAP to REPENTANCE! An URGENT WARNING! Once YOU have RECEIVED the BLESSING in FULL; with Holy Spirit INTIMACY and ONENESS, in personal romantic relationship; with the EVIDENCE of OBEDIENCE to DO as He SAYS – then it is TIME to - PASS IT ON! Someone is waiting to RECEIVE from your hand; EVEN IF YOU have CHOSEN to ‘go hungry’! ASK the Holy Spirit. He will tell you to whom you need to share this with! JESUS NEVER FAILS! We do! Someone else’s DESTINY and DESTINATION depends upon WHAT YOU DO, with what God sent to you. Selah! I REPEAT - EVEN IF you are NOT interested in OBEYING His instructions YOURSELF… you should still be a BLESSING to those whom God meant to be blessed, with this information. That may sound like a contradiction in terms… but DO YOU REALLY want for God to be asking you… “WHY – did you NOT DO as I ASKED of you?” You will give an account. And NOT JUST for yourself… but for ALL of THOSE whom you SHOULD HAVE TOLD… and DIDN’T! That IS the RIPPLE EFFECT that you FAILED to create! That is the SIN of COMMISSION. Father, forgive us; for there are just so many times we are defiantly rebellious; And oft-times – ignorantly unaware of our own stupidity, and pride. WOW! Lord, SHOCK us out of our complacency - before we DIE an ETERNAL death; OR – someone else DIES ETERNALLY, because of our DISOBEDIENCE! Amen! IF - Our spiritual antenna is LIFELESS; DEAD – then FIX IT!!! IT SHOULD NOT BE!!! If your TV was NOT working, you would call the antenna man to come FIX IT! Well – IF your OBEDIENCE monitor is NOT WORKING – call the spiritual antenna man, JESUS - to come and FIX IT, NOW, before it is TOO LATE! You are running out of TIME! Life is about TIMES and SEASONS! This is a VERY exciting SEASON to be living in just now. It’s called the END of the END-TIMES! Do you even KNOW the day or the HOUR on God’s clock? IF NOT – WHY NOT? Educate yourself. Back up a few months on these letters and get an education on the HOUR of the DAY in which we are now LIVING. WAKE UP Church! He is COMING BACK – REAL SOON! Ready or NOT! YOUR CHOICE! In closing; I want for you to consider well this advice. Whenever you experience God MIGHTILY – (as I believe you will do, when you RECEIVE what He has PREPARED for you, in these two BOOKS of CORRECTION and INSTRUCTION, in LOVE)… “…IF you are willing to RECEIVE and ACCEPT it…” (Matthew 11:14)… go immediately to a place of PRAYER (intimate communion; conversation), so you and The Father together, can PREPARE for what is to COME! Luke 8:12 “…then the devil comes knocking…” TIMES have CHANGED but HUMAN NATURE has NOT! We are STILL our same old predictable selves; and SATAN KNOWS it. The VERY REASON he roams around looking for SOMEONE to devour! Don’t ALLOW him to steal your SEED of TRUTH, before it has taken ROOT in you, and has opportunity to GROW you up, IN Him. Amen! The ONLY way to OVERCOME, and walk in UNITY, ONENESS and VICTORY, is to STAY in INTIMATE fellowship with the Holy Spirit. (Not your Pastor, friend, or the Prophet; nor the visiting Evangelist… NO… His Name is Jesus!) He is YOUR VINE! He is YOUR SOURCE! All else are ‘tools He uses to drip-feed you nuggets of information, from time to time’. He sent YOU the Holy Spirit to be YOUR guide into ALL TRUTH. Get connected; and stay connected; to Him ONLY. Then interconnect with all other like-minded; Christ-minded; brethren …in LOVE. That is ‘the church’. Amen. Make NO PROVISION for FAILURE – STAY FOCUSED and VERY CLOSE to the FRUIT TREE – JESUS! I do NOT care (and neither does God) how ‘godly’ and ‘well meaning’ your local Bishop or Prophet or Pastor may sound, when he delivers ‘his instructions, corrections and/or advice to you’… tell him THANK YOU…in LOVE and GO back to God’s Word; with PRAISE and THANKSGIVING on your lips; and rightly divide… with YOUR Holy Spirit GUIDE. Amen! That’s what God’s WORD tells you/us to DO.
(2 Tim 2:15) And coupled with this Holy Spirit INTIMACY and ROMANTIC relationship, comes the necessity to address a PERSONALITY issue. The Lord has made it VERY CLEAR to me, to share with you, the necessity to … NEVER let the MAN get in the WAY of the MESSAGE! Whilst ever we walk in this WORLD, our feelings and flesh will vie for competition. (Satan’s tactics; don’t BUY his LIE). Show him the gate and LOCK IT as he leaves! Tell him NO! Because you have ALREADY TOLD Jesus YES! Right? And you CANNOT serve TWO masters… correct? EVERYTHING – ALWAYS – should ONLY EVER BE about… Thus saith the Lord! And His Words and Promises to you are LIFE and BLESSING! He DIED that you may LIVE; abundantly; to the full; till it overflows! (John 10:10) Selah! ALWAYS rightly divide The Word of TRUTH, and WALK in the AUTHORITY IT (He) gives to you! That’s VICTORY! Elijah the Prophet – was just a man… and a ‘hot-headed’ one at that. His message of REPENTANCE was one of PASSION, to say the least. But NEVER did his personality clashes ALTER in ANY WAY the Message of REPENTANCE that he faithfully delivered to the Israelite people! And God honoured his OBEDIENCE - ‘miraculously’. Perfect? NO! Anointed and appointed by God; for His Purpose and Plan? YES! John the Baptist - was just a man… and he made a whole bunch of people as mad as hornets. BUT – that DID NOT EVER – DILUTE, nor ALTER in any way… the Message from Heaven… to REPENTANCE, that he too, faithfully delivered to the Israelite people “…Prepare ye the way of the Lord!” (Isaiah 40:3) Perfect? NO! Anointed and appointed by God; for His Purpose and Plan? YES! (See Matthew 11:11.)
FAST FORWARD 2000 plus years… and I remind you again… Take your eyes off David Dellit… He too is just a man; and he too, makes a whole bunch of people as mad as hornets. And, being flesh, as we all are; he will disappoint you almost daily. BUT that WILL NOT, and CAN NOT, DILUTE nor ALTER in any way, the MESSAGE of REPENTANCE, and INSTRUCTIONS in OBEDIENCE, his writings in TVP and II Revelation, delivers! Perfect? NO! Anointed and appointed by God; and commissioned for His Purpose and Plan? YES! What God SAYS – God SEES! It will COME TO PASS, just as He SAID it WOULD; like it or NOT! God NEVER FAILS! (We do!) And NOR WILL His End-Times MESSAGE to REPENT- FAIL; for your ETERNITY looms large; and SOON! Your HARVEST will COME IN – for the good OR for the evil! YOUR CHOICE! Selah! Are you READY for when He CALLS your Name? He said, “My sheep KNOW My voice!” He has SENT you another URGENT WARNING? CALL to REPENTANCE #3… with David Dellit! The Valentine Prophecies and II Revelation …This time God has prepared David Dellit – a prototype of John the Baptist; INFUSED by the SAME Spirit of Elijah; to bring the SAME MESSAGE of REPENTANCE, with the SAME TENACITY - before it is TOO LATE for ENTRANCE TO - the Supper Table! Thank You Jesus! ARE YOU LISTENING? SOON and VERY SOON, we are going to MEET THE KING! REPENTANCE – INTIMACY – UNITY – ONENESS – OBEDIENCE – HEAVEN! Yeah! Maranatha!
Thank you David Dellit for allowing God to use you as another ‘John the Baptist’; EMPOWERED by that same ‘Spirit of Elijah!’ Thank You Jesus for anointing and appointing Your chosen vessel; for such a time as this. Our lives here can ONLY be the RICHER for HEARING the message You have delivered to Your Bride, in PREPARATION for Your gathering of her to Yourself – for the Wedding Breakfast. And Heaven will REVEAL the Harvest of the Obedience of the Bride! Let our present SPRINGTIME HARVEST be plenteous; with the EVIDENCE of FRUITFUL OBEDIENCE in abundance! Let Him plant you in His garden of OBEDIENCE; fertile; well-watered; and ‘YIELDED’! The FRUITS of OBEDIENCE are always rewarded. Bloom where you are planted! It’s SPRINGTIME! YIELD and be blessed! SPRING is a time of NEW BEGINNINGS; NEW GROWTH! Let these TVP experiences usher in a NEW FLUSH of spiritual SPRINGTIME colour, into the ‘cheeks’ of your life. Let it put a NEW SPRING in your Heavenly Hiking Boots! Let it SPRING you right into His INTIMATE presence, and clothe you in Holy Spirit garments of Heavenly hues; from His glorious SPRINGTIME palate of majestic colours. WOW! I can almost see you NOW! Gloriously adorned! Yep – looking much like His ‘Lilly of the Valley’. You’re looking good! The MORE intimately you SPRING to His Holy Spirits presence; the more ‘SPRING-LIKE’ your resemblance of Him! WOW! Thank You Jesus! The Valentine Prophecies and II Revelation will have accomplished ALL for which it was commissioned… to BRING you BACK to HIM – to LOOK just LIKE Him – to resemble Him; IF you will HEAR and HEED His instructions in LOVE to you. Hallelujah! Love You Lord. Maranatha!
CALL to REPENTANCE #1… Elijah! Elijah, ‘suddenly’ appeared on this deplorable state of the world, where God’s chosen, BUT VERY rebelliously disobedient, Israelite children, were SO desperately in need of REFORM. He does so, with a FEROCITY and STERN ruggedness, which almost leaps out of the scriptures, in FIERY REBUKES, CHALLENGES and CONTESTS. He essentially STANDS ALONE - screaming “REPENT!” to the Israelite people with unmoving faithfulness, and unflinching fearlessness; like a man with a face of flint. HOW wonderfully, does God suit men, to the work he designs them for; rough and tough spirits are called to rough and tough services! This unbending, unfaltering spirit of sternness, and severity; like a man cracking the ‘whip of God’, was PREDICTED to COME AGAIN – to usher in the Messiah’s entrance into the world. The concluding prophecy of the Old Testament was, “Behold, I will send you Elijah!” Those words prophesied until John, and then, being turned into a history, they ceased to prophecy. ENTER – John the Baptist! John the Baptist – (considered by the people to actually be a prophet) – was our…
CALL to REPENTANCE #2 … John the Baptist! And STILL… they (the Jewish people and the Church of the day) MISSED Him; Jesus Christ; their Saviour and Lord, their Redeemer and King!!! He slipped through their fingers! They were so CARNAL in nature, and full of the sin of UNBELIEF, they just didn’t GET IT!!! John heralded in the ETERNAL MESSAGE of CALVARY, (Jesus Christ, The Messiah - Himself) and the REPENTANCE required; qualifying us for Kingdom citizenship… But they just WOULD NOT LISTEN! Yep – Jesus slipped through their fingers… literally! Jesus! BEFORE His Death, Burial and Resurrection, Jesus promised He would COME (again), and gather them (the Church) to Himself (The Rapture), and take them home for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb; while the world (THOSE LEFT BEHIND) go through the HORRORS of the TRIBULATION period; and then He will RETURN with the Church, to rule and reign with them a thousand years; and then the JUDGEMENT and the Lake of Fire (The Second Coming); followed by ETERNITY in our NEW HOME – a New Heaven and New Earth; with our Lord in His glory and majesty, FOREVER! Hallelujah! That’s shoutin’ time about there! Amen! Fast forward 2000 plus years… and we KNOW ‘they’ (generalized reference to the Jewish people, and the grafted in, Church in general) DON’T WANT to MISS Him, this time round! But – BEFORE all of that can take place, and for US to be GUARANTEED of our seat at the Supper Table; we have been given some PRESENT DAY PARABLES to work out for ourselves! He said for THOSE who have EARS to HEAR…let them HEAR, what the Spirit says!!! Time is SHORT, Hell is SURE; Sin the CAUSE, Christ the CURE! Are you READY? Are you LISTENING to what the voice (the CURE) of the Holy Spirit says? He, (Jesus Christ our Redeemer), came the FIRST time, referencing John the Baptist, and asking… “Why did you NOT BELIEVE him?” (Mark 11: 31) “Was the Baptism of John from Heaven or from men?” BUT – they would NOT answer Him. So, He refused to answer them their questions. He LEFT them to work out the PARABLES for themselves. To His OWN He explains everything; BUT to “all else” …He speaks in parables! (Mark 4:34) Hence His instructions… those who have EARS to HEAR…! IF you will just INCLINE your EAR to Him – He WILL explain ALL to you! Genesis 18:17 says… “Would I NOT tell my friend?” WHY did you NOT LISTEN to him? I sent you a MESSENGER; a ‘prophet’ with a WARNING to REPENT and PREPARE for the COMING of The Christ; BUT you would NOT LISTEN to him. Fast Forward 2000 plus years… and… ENTER – David Dellit, with The Valentine Prophecies and II Revelation. Imagine… TVP being the BOOK VERSION of John the Baptist!
CALL to REPENTANCE #3… David Dellit! DO NOT MISS Him, JESUS - this time round!!! For those LEFT BEHIND – the QUESTION will be… WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY… did you NOT BELIEVE him? WHY did you NOT LISTEN to him? I sent you a MESSENGER; a ‘prophet’ with a WARNING to REPENT and PREPARE for the gathering of the saints (Rapture); the BRIDE of Christ; to be FULLY dressed and READY for the Bridegroom and the WEDDING; and to COME to the Marriage Supper (the Wedding Banquet); but you WOULD NOT LISTEN to him!!! WHY? Your ETERNITY; your DESTINY and your DESTINATION; depend on what you DO with what He SENDS to you; and by WHOM He sends it! Selah! (You may need to pause and think about that for a minute). “…IF you are willing to RECEIVE and ACCEPT it…” (Matthew 11:14) This time God has prepared David Dellit – a prototype of John the Baptist; INFUSED by the SAME Spirit of Elijah; to bring the SAME MESSAGE of REPENTANCE, with the SAME TENACITY - before it is TOO LATE for ENTRANCE TO - the Supper Table! A MAJOR characteristic of the Spirit of Elijah is: - ‘to bring BACK to God – His people!’ This is what Elijah did! This is what John did! This is what David is doing! Preparation of His people, to return to their FIRST LOVE, Jesus! SAME MISSION! Different MEANS! Elijah took the people on a MIRACULOUS journey in his…CALL to REPENTANCE #1. John used the POWERFUL ‘Elijah Spirit’ to immerse in the waters of the Baptism of Repentance, to Salvation, without one recorded MIRACLE; but none-the-less, a POWERFUL ministry and… CALL to REPENTANCE #2.
David is asked to present TWO powerful BOOKS of CORRECTION and INSTRUCTION, in LOVE; to UNITY and ONENESS; through INTIMATE – RELATIONSHIP… CALL to REPENTANCE #3. Same MISSION – Different MEANS! This brings us to TODAY! The day we are NOW living in; and the URGENT WARNING we have been sent, in TVP and II Revelation. Just as Jesus asked of the people 2000 plus years ago… WHY … did you NOT BELIEVE him? WHY … did you NOT LISTEN? WHY … did you NOT work out for yourselves the parable of the TEN VIRGINS! You KNOW that the FIVE WISE virgins were WELCOMED IN to the Marriage Supper. You KNOW that the FIVE FOOLISH virgins were LOCKED OUT! WHY … did you NOT PREPARE YOURSELF for my arrival? … For the WEDDING feast? I believe the Lord will require MUCH (even death) of those who have IGNORED His URGENT WARNINGS! For every person… to whom He has chosen to deliver a copy of these two End-Time manuals; His END-TIMES URGENT REMINDER; His ‘road map’ to REPENTANCE and UNITY and ONENESS, in the BRIDE of Christ; I believe He will require MUCH explanation; as to WHY, He was NOT LISTENED to; ESPECIALLY when He had hand-delivered His URGENT WARNINGS! (The ‘sins of omission’ means - a sinful FAILURE to perform an action). Selah! And it does us good, NOW – to NOTE that - we DO NOT want to come before Him with someone else’s BLOOD on our hands… simply because of the RIPPLE effect; that which we FAILED to create! Selah! (You might need to stop and think about that for a minute). WHO have YOU ROBBED of their ETERNITY? Who will you hear screaming from the pit of hell…? WHY did you NOT LISTEN? WHY did you NOT SHARE? I DIDN’T KNOW! WHY did you NOT TELL ME? We are ONLY ever BLESSED to be a BLESSING! WHEN God sends ‘BLESSINGS’ our way, we NEED to KNOW …to whom those BLESSINGS BELONG – and are purposed to flow on…to! Life is NOT ABOUT YOU! (That may come as a surprise to some)… but God sees ahead; HE sees the BIG picture… and He is NOT remotely interested in our SIN of OFFENCE, or our fickle FEELINGS; or our ‘loving’ LEGALISTIC finger-pointing, of what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. He is ONLY interested in our ‘LIVING’ FAITH; and it’s RIPPLE EFFECT (our works of OBEDIENCE, in LOVE), for His Glory, and the BLESSING of His kids! So – even IF YOUR FAITH FAILS you, and you OBJECT to what you have READ, or heard spoken, or written… TO or ABOUT the books, OR the author; SOMEONE’s ETERNITY rests on your OBEDIENCE to SHARE this INFORMATION, whether you LIKE IT, or NOT! Nothing happens by CHANCE! All is by His perfect design, purposed for His glory, and our individual, and collective, BLESSING. The Valentine Prophecies and II Revelation are NOT meant to be ‘SAT ON’… KEPT… or placed on the BOOK SHELF! And they are certainly NOT meant to be VIOLATED in thought, word, or deed! In fact – the ignoring or condemning of same books has had, and will continue to have, catastrophic consequences…! Selah! They are a ROAD MAP to REPENTANCE! An URGENT WARNING! Once YOU have RECEIVED the BLESSING in FULL; with Holy Spirit INTIMACY and ONENESS, in personal romantic relationship; with the EVIDENCE of OBEDIENCE to DO as He SAYS – then it is TIME to - PASS IT ON! Someone is waiting to RECEIVE from your hand; EVEN IF YOU have CHOSEN to ‘go hungry’! ASK the Holy Spirit. He will tell you to whom you need to share this with! JESUS NEVER FAILS! We do! Someone else’s DESTINY and DESTINATION depends upon WHAT YOU DO, with what God sent to you. Selah! I REPEAT - EVEN IF you are NOT interested in OBEYING His instructions YOURSELF… you should still be a BLESSING to those whom God meant to be blessed, with this information. That may sound like a contradiction in terms… but DO YOU REALLY want for God to be asking you… “WHY – did you NOT DO as I ASKED of you?” You will give an account. And NOT JUST for yourself… but for ALL of THOSE whom you SHOULD HAVE TOLD… and DIDN’T! That IS the RIPPLE EFFECT that you FAILED to create! That is the SIN of COMMISSION. Father, forgive us; for there are just so many times we are defiantly rebellious; And oft-times – ignorantly unaware of our own stupidity, and pride. WOW! Lord, SHOCK us out of our complacency - before we DIE an ETERNAL death; OR – someone else DIES ETERNALLY, because of our DISOBEDIENCE! Amen! IF - Our spiritual antenna is LIFELESS; DEAD – then FIX IT!!! IT SHOULD NOT BE!!! If your TV was NOT working, you would call the antenna man to come FIX IT! Well – IF your OBEDIENCE monitor is NOT WORKING – call the spiritual antenna man, JESUS - to come and FIX IT, NOW, before it is TOO LATE! You are running out of TIME! Life is about TIMES and SEASONS! This is a VERY exciting SEASON to be living in just now. It’s called the END of the END-TIMES! Do you even KNOW the day or the HOUR on God’s clock? IF NOT – WHY NOT? Educate yourself. Back up a few months on these letters and get an education on the HOUR of the DAY in which we are now LIVING. WAKE UP Church! He is COMING BACK – REAL SOON! Ready or NOT! YOUR CHOICE! In closing; I want for you to consider well this advice. Whenever you experience God MIGHTILY – (as I believe you will do, when you RECEIVE what He has PREPARED for you, in these two BOOKS of CORRECTION and INSTRUCTION, in LOVE)… “…IF you are willing to RECEIVE and ACCEPT it…” (Matthew 11:14)… go immediately to a place of PRAYER (intimate communion; conversation), so you and The Father together, can PREPARE for what is to COME! Luke 8:12 “…then the devil comes knocking…” TIMES have CHANGED but HUMAN NATURE has NOT! We are STILL our same old predictable selves; and SATAN KNOWS it. The VERY REASON he roams around looking for SOMEONE to devour! Don’t ALLOW him to steal your SEED of TRUTH, before it has taken ROOT in you, and has opportunity to GROW you up, IN Him. Amen! The ONLY way to OVERCOME, and walk in UNITY, ONENESS and VICTORY, is to STAY in INTIMATE fellowship with the Holy Spirit. (Not your Pastor, friend, or the Prophet; nor the visiting Evangelist… NO… His Name is Jesus!) He is YOUR VINE! He is YOUR SOURCE! All else are ‘tools He uses to drip-feed you nuggets of information, from time to time’. He sent YOU the Holy Spirit to be YOUR guide into ALL TRUTH. Get connected; and stay connected; to Him ONLY. Then interconnect with all other like-minded; Christ-minded; brethren …in LOVE. That is ‘the church’. Amen. Make NO PROVISION for FAILURE – STAY FOCUSED and VERY CLOSE to the FRUIT TREE – JESUS! I do NOT care (and neither does God) how ‘godly’ and ‘well meaning’ your local Bishop or Prophet or Pastor may sound, when he delivers ‘his instructions, corrections and/or advice to you’… tell him THANK YOU…in LOVE and GO back to God’s Word; with PRAISE and THANKSGIVING on your lips; and rightly divide… with YOUR Holy Spirit GUIDE. Amen! That’s what God’s WORD tells you/us to DO.
(2 Tim 2:15) And coupled with this Holy Spirit INTIMACY and ROMANTIC relationship, comes the necessity to address a PERSONALITY issue. The Lord has made it VERY CLEAR to me, to share with you, the necessity to … NEVER let the MAN get in the WAY of the MESSAGE! Whilst ever we walk in this WORLD, our feelings and flesh will vie for competition. (Satan’s tactics; don’t BUY his LIE). Show him the gate and LOCK IT as he leaves! Tell him NO! Because you have ALREADY TOLD Jesus YES! Right? And you CANNOT serve TWO masters… correct? EVERYTHING – ALWAYS – should ONLY EVER BE about… Thus saith the Lord! And His Words and Promises to you are LIFE and BLESSING! He DIED that you may LIVE; abundantly; to the full; till it overflows! (John 10:10) Selah! ALWAYS rightly divide The Word of TRUTH, and WALK in the AUTHORITY IT (He) gives to you! That’s VICTORY! Elijah the Prophet – was just a man… and a ‘hot-headed’ one at that. His message of REPENTANCE was one of PASSION, to say the least. But NEVER did his personality clashes ALTER in ANY WAY the Message of REPENTANCE that he faithfully delivered to the Israelite people! And God honoured his OBEDIENCE - ‘miraculously’. Perfect? NO! Anointed and appointed by God; for His Purpose and Plan? YES! John the Baptist - was just a man… and he made a whole bunch of people as mad as hornets. BUT – that DID NOT EVER – DILUTE, nor ALTER in any way… the Message from Heaven… to REPENTANCE, that he too, faithfully delivered to the Israelite people “…Prepare ye the way of the Lord!” (Isaiah 40:3) Perfect? NO! Anointed and appointed by God; for His Purpose and Plan? YES! (See Matthew 11:11.)
FAST FORWARD 2000 plus years… and I remind you again… Take your eyes off David Dellit… He too is just a man; and he too, makes a whole bunch of people as mad as hornets. And, being flesh, as we all are; he will disappoint you almost daily. BUT that WILL NOT, and CAN NOT, DILUTE nor ALTER in any way, the MESSAGE of REPENTANCE, and INSTRUCTIONS in OBEDIENCE, his writings in TVP and II Revelation, delivers! Perfect? NO! Anointed and appointed by God; and commissioned for His Purpose and Plan? YES! What God SAYS – God SEES! It will COME TO PASS, just as He SAID it WOULD; like it or NOT! God NEVER FAILS! (We do!) And NOR WILL His End-Times MESSAGE to REPENT- FAIL; for your ETERNITY looms large; and SOON! Your HARVEST will COME IN – for the good OR for the evil! YOUR CHOICE! Selah! Are you READY for when He CALLS your Name? He said, “My sheep KNOW My voice!” He has SENT you another URGENT WARNING? CALL to REPENTANCE #3… with David Dellit! The Valentine Prophecies and II Revelation …This time God has prepared David Dellit – a prototype of John the Baptist; INFUSED by the SAME Spirit of Elijah; to bring the SAME MESSAGE of REPENTANCE, with the SAME TENACITY - before it is TOO LATE for ENTRANCE TO - the Supper Table! Thank You Jesus! ARE YOU LISTENING? SOON and VERY SOON, we are going to MEET THE KING! REPENTANCE – INTIMACY – UNITY – ONENESS – OBEDIENCE – HEAVEN! Yeah! Maranatha!
Thank you David Dellit for allowing God to use you as another ‘John the Baptist’; EMPOWERED by that same ‘Spirit of Elijah!’ Thank You Jesus for anointing and appointing Your chosen vessel; for such a time as this. Our lives here can ONLY be the RICHER for HEARING the message You have delivered to Your Bride, in PREPARATION for Your gathering of her to Yourself – for the Wedding Breakfast. And Heaven will REVEAL the Harvest of the Obedience of the Bride! Let our present SPRINGTIME HARVEST be plenteous; with the EVIDENCE of FRUITFUL OBEDIENCE in abundance! Let Him plant you in His garden of OBEDIENCE; fertile; well-watered; and ‘YIELDED’! The FRUITS of OBEDIENCE are always rewarded. Bloom where you are planted! It’s SPRINGTIME! YIELD and be blessed! SPRING is a time of NEW BEGINNINGS; NEW GROWTH! Let these TVP experiences usher in a NEW FLUSH of spiritual SPRINGTIME colour, into the ‘cheeks’ of your life. Let it put a NEW SPRING in your Heavenly Hiking Boots! Let it SPRING you right into His INTIMATE presence, and clothe you in Holy Spirit garments of Heavenly hues; from His glorious SPRINGTIME palate of majestic colours. WOW! I can almost see you NOW! Gloriously adorned! Yep – looking much like His ‘Lilly of the Valley’. You’re looking good! The MORE intimately you SPRING to His Holy Spirits presence; the more ‘SPRING-LIKE’ your resemblance of Him! WOW! Thank You Jesus! The Valentine Prophecies and II Revelation will have accomplished ALL for which it was commissioned… to BRING you BACK to HIM – to LOOK just LIKE Him – to resemble Him; IF you will HEAR and HEED His instructions in LOVE to you. Hallelujah! Love You Lord. Maranatha!