From David
My name is David Dellit, I live in Brisbane, Australia, and on Valentine's Day, 2013, God began speaking and told me to type down what he said. After God finished speaking nearly six months later, he told me to publish his words and send them out. His words are known as The Valentine Prophecies. Before this, God prepared me while I worked as a nurse, a Police Officer, a teacher, while running a few businesses, and as I assisted a small church with preaching and guidance in an unpaid capacity.
Police Protecting Victims...
I look back on when I was a member of the Queensland Police Force and the privilege it was to help people. I rescued abused babies, infants, and children and took them to safety. I helped 'ladies of the night' who were sheltering abused teenage girls. I counselled young boys away from crime. At 1:30 am I was called out to an overturned truck on a lonely western road, where a young Swedish hitchhiker was the sole survivor. She was seriously injured and trapped in the wreckage, and I lay down beside her and kept her talking about her friends, family, and life back home, trying to keep her from dying of shock. She was flown by the flying surgeon more than a thousand miles to the nearest major hospital where she spent months and required more than a dozen operations to save her leg. Then she flew home. I helped an old lady living alone who was being preyed upon by a stalker who repeatedly tried to break into her home telling her what he was going to do to her. I had a conversation with her stalker, told him I was placing her under my personal protection, let him know what would happen to him if I ever saw him again, and she never saw him again. I recall finding a frightened lost young girl who ran away from her troubled home, and resolved the issues at home. I counselled a young mum whose husband had committed suicide, leaving her with two little boys. God led me to help many people, which was deeply satisfying.
Ambush Warning Dream...
Spiritually, for most of my life it was quite normal, until I was a Policeman and had a dream warning me of an ambush and it saved my life.
Location of Offender Appears on the Wall...1
Then a man I arrested jumped bail and disappeared and I wondered if God would tell me where he was, so I prayed and asked God and one day the name of a small town appeared on the wall of the Police Station, and a voice told me to phone the police station in that town. But I didn't phone because I didn't believe it. However, a few weeks later I phoned to check if it was true, and I was shocked to hear the man had been in the cells, but was since released and free again. I promised God if he did it again, I would phone immediately.
Location of Offender Appears on the Wall...2
A few weeks later the name of a different small town appeared on the wall of the Police Station, and a voice told me to phone the police station in that town, repeating very loudly, "PHONE NOW!" I did, and the man was in the lockup at the police station, and I brought him before the court.
Officer Down...
In a separate section with The Valentine Prophecies called A WORD FROM THE MESSENGER, God wanted me to write of things he did in my life, and I share about the nicest police partner I ever had the blessing of serving with, who, after I moved to another section, was ambushed, shot and murdered. God shared with me reasons why this occurred, reasons that shocked and saddened me, and made me realize how little we know about things of the unseen realm, unless God tells us.
Dream of a Death...
Then for about three or four weeks I began receiving visions and dreams showing me a fishing trawler inverted, a helicopter flying over water, and I was filled with great fear for the life of a man I knew was commercially fishing in Alaska. After the visions and dreams stopped, I received the tragic news that the trawler he was on had sunk and he died. I knew him, his family, his father was the preacher at a church where we worshiped for a time, but the church believed the age of visions and dreams had finished, and because of this I didn't share the visions and dreams with my preacher friend. These and many other things troubled me deeply and I didn't know why it was happening.
Calling of Biblical Proportions...
I asked a preacher friend about some of the things happening to me to see if he knew why. He said I was receiving a calling from God the likes of which he had never heard of occurring in modern times, and whatever it was, it would be of biblical proportions. He was right, and in the decades before God spoke The Valentine Prophecies, God called me to spend more and more time with Him and the more hours I spent in prayer, with Him, and in His Scriptures each day, the closer and closer I came to Him. Father, Son, and Spirit became visible to me, not their faces but their bodily forms. So it was that I began to walk and talk with God and to sit with God and be taught by God.
Heavenly Visitors...
On one occasion, Father, Son, and Spirit appeared in my lounge room. They were talking about something together. Then Jesus turned to me and said, "The decision has been taken to bless you." However, at the same time, I was battling against God, because I wanted to make my own choices and plans for my own life, while God was stopping everything I tried to do on my own. Finally I exploded, telling God I knew it was Him and I was sick of it, and I wasn't going to do anything anymore until He told me what to do. God gently replied, "Now we can begin!"
Prophet Announces...1
It was after this that God began speaking The Valentine Prophecies, commanding me to type and publish and send out his words, and I did. But before The Valentine Prophecies was even published, God told me to send a copy of the raw manuscript to the Senior Pastor at the large church we were attending at the time, and the Pastor confirmed receiving it. A couple of weeks later, a prophet stood beside the Pastor and announced from the Spirit before the thousands assembled for worship, that a member of the church had received a message from God to change everyone in the church from the least to the greatest before going out to change the world. Margaret and I were stunned knowing the message the Holy Spirit was referring to was sitting on the desk of the Senior Pastor. So it was that the Holy Spirit publicly approved of and endorsed the words of Father, Son, and Spirit in The Valentine Prophecies.
Prophet Announces...2
A few weeks after this, the same prophet -- and we still don't know who she was -- stood beside the pastor and announced from the Spirit before thousands assembled for worship, that a member of the church was a Golden Key. So it was that the Holy Spirit publicly approved and endorsed the knowledge of Father, Son, and Spirit being unlocked and opened from heaven in The Valentine Prophecies.
God Sends Us Out...
Since then, God has commanded me to do many things, including the sharing of copies of The Valentine Prophecies to 600 church pastors in Chicago, USA, and sharing The Valentine Prophecies and teaching Christ's church reforms to hundreds of African church pastors across Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania, and to hundreds of Indonesian church pastors across West Borneo.
Church Leaders Must Hear the Holy Spirit Speak...
If Jesus is to again lead His church like He did in the first century, we must live like Jesus and the apostles and church leaders lived in the first century, devoting our time to spiritual things to hear God speak; as recorded in Acts 13:2 when the Holy Spirit spoke and the church leaders heard and did as commanded by the Holy Spirit.
Good and Bad Reactions...
Prophets who have read The Valentine Prophecies have commented with words including: ...prophetic masterpiece...beautiful Love letter ... the deepest heart of our Savior ... reveals his deepest love and desires for us. While comments by Christians who have not read The Valentine Prophecies, but reject all prophecy today, include: "delusional," "satanic," "the beast," "false prophet," "a lie from the devil himself."
Christ's Prayer To Be One...
The Valentine Prophecies is the loving call of Father, Son, and Spirit back to the oneness Jesus prayed for: "that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one--I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity" (John 17:21-23a NIV).
Police Protecting Victims...
I look back on when I was a member of the Queensland Police Force and the privilege it was to help people. I rescued abused babies, infants, and children and took them to safety. I helped 'ladies of the night' who were sheltering abused teenage girls. I counselled young boys away from crime. At 1:30 am I was called out to an overturned truck on a lonely western road, where a young Swedish hitchhiker was the sole survivor. She was seriously injured and trapped in the wreckage, and I lay down beside her and kept her talking about her friends, family, and life back home, trying to keep her from dying of shock. She was flown by the flying surgeon more than a thousand miles to the nearest major hospital where she spent months and required more than a dozen operations to save her leg. Then she flew home. I helped an old lady living alone who was being preyed upon by a stalker who repeatedly tried to break into her home telling her what he was going to do to her. I had a conversation with her stalker, told him I was placing her under my personal protection, let him know what would happen to him if I ever saw him again, and she never saw him again. I recall finding a frightened lost young girl who ran away from her troubled home, and resolved the issues at home. I counselled a young mum whose husband had committed suicide, leaving her with two little boys. God led me to help many people, which was deeply satisfying.
Ambush Warning Dream...
Spiritually, for most of my life it was quite normal, until I was a Policeman and had a dream warning me of an ambush and it saved my life.
Location of Offender Appears on the Wall...1
Then a man I arrested jumped bail and disappeared and I wondered if God would tell me where he was, so I prayed and asked God and one day the name of a small town appeared on the wall of the Police Station, and a voice told me to phone the police station in that town. But I didn't phone because I didn't believe it. However, a few weeks later I phoned to check if it was true, and I was shocked to hear the man had been in the cells, but was since released and free again. I promised God if he did it again, I would phone immediately.
Location of Offender Appears on the Wall...2
A few weeks later the name of a different small town appeared on the wall of the Police Station, and a voice told me to phone the police station in that town, repeating very loudly, "PHONE NOW!" I did, and the man was in the lockup at the police station, and I brought him before the court.
Officer Down...
In a separate section with The Valentine Prophecies called A WORD FROM THE MESSENGER, God wanted me to write of things he did in my life, and I share about the nicest police partner I ever had the blessing of serving with, who, after I moved to another section, was ambushed, shot and murdered. God shared with me reasons why this occurred, reasons that shocked and saddened me, and made me realize how little we know about things of the unseen realm, unless God tells us.
Dream of a Death...
Then for about three or four weeks I began receiving visions and dreams showing me a fishing trawler inverted, a helicopter flying over water, and I was filled with great fear for the life of a man I knew was commercially fishing in Alaska. After the visions and dreams stopped, I received the tragic news that the trawler he was on had sunk and he died. I knew him, his family, his father was the preacher at a church where we worshiped for a time, but the church believed the age of visions and dreams had finished, and because of this I didn't share the visions and dreams with my preacher friend. These and many other things troubled me deeply and I didn't know why it was happening.
Calling of Biblical Proportions...
I asked a preacher friend about some of the things happening to me to see if he knew why. He said I was receiving a calling from God the likes of which he had never heard of occurring in modern times, and whatever it was, it would be of biblical proportions. He was right, and in the decades before God spoke The Valentine Prophecies, God called me to spend more and more time with Him and the more hours I spent in prayer, with Him, and in His Scriptures each day, the closer and closer I came to Him. Father, Son, and Spirit became visible to me, not their faces but their bodily forms. So it was that I began to walk and talk with God and to sit with God and be taught by God.
Heavenly Visitors...
On one occasion, Father, Son, and Spirit appeared in my lounge room. They were talking about something together. Then Jesus turned to me and said, "The decision has been taken to bless you." However, at the same time, I was battling against God, because I wanted to make my own choices and plans for my own life, while God was stopping everything I tried to do on my own. Finally I exploded, telling God I knew it was Him and I was sick of it, and I wasn't going to do anything anymore until He told me what to do. God gently replied, "Now we can begin!"
Prophet Announces...1
It was after this that God began speaking The Valentine Prophecies, commanding me to type and publish and send out his words, and I did. But before The Valentine Prophecies was even published, God told me to send a copy of the raw manuscript to the Senior Pastor at the large church we were attending at the time, and the Pastor confirmed receiving it. A couple of weeks later, a prophet stood beside the Pastor and announced from the Spirit before the thousands assembled for worship, that a member of the church had received a message from God to change everyone in the church from the least to the greatest before going out to change the world. Margaret and I were stunned knowing the message the Holy Spirit was referring to was sitting on the desk of the Senior Pastor. So it was that the Holy Spirit publicly approved of and endorsed the words of Father, Son, and Spirit in The Valentine Prophecies.
Prophet Announces...2
A few weeks after this, the same prophet -- and we still don't know who she was -- stood beside the pastor and announced from the Spirit before thousands assembled for worship, that a member of the church was a Golden Key. So it was that the Holy Spirit publicly approved and endorsed the knowledge of Father, Son, and Spirit being unlocked and opened from heaven in The Valentine Prophecies.
God Sends Us Out...
Since then, God has commanded me to do many things, including the sharing of copies of The Valentine Prophecies to 600 church pastors in Chicago, USA, and sharing The Valentine Prophecies and teaching Christ's church reforms to hundreds of African church pastors across Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania, and to hundreds of Indonesian church pastors across West Borneo.
Church Leaders Must Hear the Holy Spirit Speak...
If Jesus is to again lead His church like He did in the first century, we must live like Jesus and the apostles and church leaders lived in the first century, devoting our time to spiritual things to hear God speak; as recorded in Acts 13:2 when the Holy Spirit spoke and the church leaders heard and did as commanded by the Holy Spirit.
Good and Bad Reactions...
Prophets who have read The Valentine Prophecies have commented with words including: ...prophetic masterpiece...beautiful Love letter ... the deepest heart of our Savior ... reveals his deepest love and desires for us. While comments by Christians who have not read The Valentine Prophecies, but reject all prophecy today, include: "delusional," "satanic," "the beast," "false prophet," "a lie from the devil himself."
Christ's Prayer To Be One...
The Valentine Prophecies is the loving call of Father, Son, and Spirit back to the oneness Jesus prayed for: "that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one--I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity" (John 17:21-23a NIV).