Jesus said, "Follow me to Chicago"
After God finished speaking The Valentine Prophecies, He said America was the first nation he wanted to hear about them. Later, I was in my kitchen when I saw a vision of Jesus. He took large strides as he came down from heaven. I saw the two books on the floor, The Valentine Prophecies and II Revelation. The two books changed into two double-edged swords. The Valentine Prophecies sword looked blunt and rusty, but the II Revelation sword looked shiny and polished and razor sharp. Jesus stood beside me. He was dressed in battle armor. He reached down and picked up the II Revelation sword and brandished it in his right hand and said, "Follow me to Chicago". Jesus then turned and took large strides for Chicago. I later asked God why the difference in the appearance of the two swords, and God explained that because of my sections that He told me to add to The Valentine Prophecies, it was impure, but II Revelation with only the words of God, was pure.
God gave me many things to do in Chicago. I was interviewed for Voices In The Wilderness TV, but before the two interviews, I told God that I didn't think I was any good to him because I was a completely unknown nothing. God replied, "This is what I'm going to do to you" and I saw a vision of me seated on God's hands and he thrust his hands and me high above the clouds. I replied to God, "Yes, that will do it God, that will do it." While in Chicago I also made Christians aware of The Valentine Prophecies via Christian TV and Radio commercials, I conducted public presentations, and I gave free copies of The Valentine Prophecies and II Revelation to 600 pastors at a Chicago pastor's brunch event.
God gave me many things to do in Chicago. I was interviewed for Voices In The Wilderness TV, but before the two interviews, I told God that I didn't think I was any good to him because I was a completely unknown nothing. God replied, "This is what I'm going to do to you" and I saw a vision of me seated on God's hands and he thrust his hands and me high above the clouds. I replied to God, "Yes, that will do it God, that will do it." While in Chicago I also made Christians aware of The Valentine Prophecies via Christian TV and Radio commercials, I conducted public presentations, and I gave free copies of The Valentine Prophecies and II Revelation to 600 pastors at a Chicago pastor's brunch event.