Prophet declaration: The Valentine Prophecies is the BOOK VERSION of John the Baptist!
...Matthew 11:10 This is the one of whom it is written, Behold, I send My messenger ahead of You, who shall make ready Your way before You. [Mal. 3:1.] (Amp.) Matthew 11:14 And if you are willing to receive and accept it, John himself is Elijah who was to come [before the kingdom]. [Mal. 4:5.] Matthew 11:15 He who has ears to hear, let him be listening and let him consider and perceive and comprehend by hearing. (Amp.) PROPHETS – were essentially defenders of Jehovah - God, and of the Laws of Moses; and … Elijah the Prophet stood next in line to Moses; when calculating the spiritual stature of the Old Testament Prophets.
CALL to REPENTANCE #1… Elijah! Elijah, ‘suddenly’ appeared on this deplorable state of the world, where God’s chosen, BUT VERY rebelliously disobedient, Israelite children, were SO desperately in need of REFORM. ... ['Elijah'] was PREDICTED to COME AGAIN – to usher in the Messiah’s entrance into the world. The concluding prophecy of the Old Testament was, “Behold, I will send you Elijah!” Those words prophesied until John, and then, being turned into a history, they ceased to prophecy. ENTER – John the Baptist! John the Baptist – (considered by the people to actually be a prophet) – was our…
CALL to REPENTANCE #2 … John the Baptist! ... He slipped through their fingers! They were so CARNAL in nature, and full of the sin of UNBELIEF, they just didn’t GET IT!!! John heralded in the ETERNAL MESSAGE of CALVARY, (Jesus Christ, The Messiah - Himself) and the REPENTANCE required; qualifying us for Kingdom citizenship… But they just WOULD NOT LISTEN! Yep – Jesus slipped through their fingers… literally! Jesus! BEFORE His Death, Burial and Resurrection, Jesus promised He would COME (again) ... Fast Forward 2000 plus years… and… ENTER – David Dellit, with The Valentine Prophecies and II Revelation. Imagine… TVP being the BOOK VERSION of John the Baptist!
CALL to REPENTANCE #3… David Dellit! DO NOT MISS Him ... I sent you a MESSENGER; a ‘prophet’ with a WARNING to REPENT and PREPARE for the gathering of the saints ... “…IF you are willing to RECEIVE and ACCEPT it…” (Matthew 11:14) This time God has prepared David Dellit – a prototype of John the Baptist; INFUSED by the SAME Spirit of Elijah; to bring the SAME MESSAGE of REPENTANCE ... A MAJOR characteristic of the Spirit of Elijah is: - ‘to bring BACK to God – His people!’ This is what Elijah did! This is what John did! This is what David is doing! Preparation of His people, to return to their FIRST LOVE, Jesus! SAME MISSION! Different MEANS!
Elijah took the people on a MIRACULOUS journey in his…CALL to REPENTANCE #1.
John used the POWERFUL ‘Elijah Spirit’ to immerse in the waters of the Baptism of Repentance, to Salvation, without one recorded MIRACLE; but none-the-less, a POWERFUL ministry and… CALL to REPENTANCE #2.
David is asked to present TWO powerful BOOKS of CORRECTION and INSTRUCTION, in LOVE; to UNITY and ONENESS; through INTIMATE – RELATIONSHIP… CALL to REPENTANCE #3. Same MISSION – Different MEANS! This brings us to TODAY! The day we are NOW living in; and the URGENT WARNING we have been sent, in TVP and II Revelation. ...
CALL to REPENTANCE #1… Elijah! Elijah, ‘suddenly’ appeared on this deplorable state of the world, where God’s chosen, BUT VERY rebelliously disobedient, Israelite children, were SO desperately in need of REFORM. ... ['Elijah'] was PREDICTED to COME AGAIN – to usher in the Messiah’s entrance into the world. The concluding prophecy of the Old Testament was, “Behold, I will send you Elijah!” Those words prophesied until John, and then, being turned into a history, they ceased to prophecy. ENTER – John the Baptist! John the Baptist – (considered by the people to actually be a prophet) – was our…
CALL to REPENTANCE #2 … John the Baptist! ... He slipped through their fingers! They were so CARNAL in nature, and full of the sin of UNBELIEF, they just didn’t GET IT!!! John heralded in the ETERNAL MESSAGE of CALVARY, (Jesus Christ, The Messiah - Himself) and the REPENTANCE required; qualifying us for Kingdom citizenship… But they just WOULD NOT LISTEN! Yep – Jesus slipped through their fingers… literally! Jesus! BEFORE His Death, Burial and Resurrection, Jesus promised He would COME (again) ... Fast Forward 2000 plus years… and… ENTER – David Dellit, with The Valentine Prophecies and II Revelation. Imagine… TVP being the BOOK VERSION of John the Baptist!
CALL to REPENTANCE #3… David Dellit! DO NOT MISS Him ... I sent you a MESSENGER; a ‘prophet’ with a WARNING to REPENT and PREPARE for the gathering of the saints ... “…IF you are willing to RECEIVE and ACCEPT it…” (Matthew 11:14) This time God has prepared David Dellit – a prototype of John the Baptist; INFUSED by the SAME Spirit of Elijah; to bring the SAME MESSAGE of REPENTANCE ... A MAJOR characteristic of the Spirit of Elijah is: - ‘to bring BACK to God – His people!’ This is what Elijah did! This is what John did! This is what David is doing! Preparation of His people, to return to their FIRST LOVE, Jesus! SAME MISSION! Different MEANS!
Elijah took the people on a MIRACULOUS journey in his…CALL to REPENTANCE #1.
John used the POWERFUL ‘Elijah Spirit’ to immerse in the waters of the Baptism of Repentance, to Salvation, without one recorded MIRACLE; but none-the-less, a POWERFUL ministry and… CALL to REPENTANCE #2.
David is asked to present TWO powerful BOOKS of CORRECTION and INSTRUCTION, in LOVE; to UNITY and ONENESS; through INTIMATE – RELATIONSHIP… CALL to REPENTANCE #3. Same MISSION – Different MEANS! This brings us to TODAY! The day we are NOW living in; and the URGENT WARNING we have been sent, in TVP and II Revelation. ...